Introducing the new EstimCAD ™ Deck and Railings application that allows
novice, intermediate and advanced users to draw and estimate simple and
complex patio plans.
This training guide will allow users to learn how to draw a plan, create
and place stairs and railings. Then the calculations will be displayed
automatically and instantly throughout the estimation process.
Use only the Google Chrome ™ browser to estimate a plan because the
application has not yet been tested with other browsers.
We invite you to contact us with any questions and comments at :
Here are three (7) slideshows that will help the user to visualize the basics required to learn how to draw and estimate a
deck and railing plan. At the same time, it is suggested to do a practical exercise. So just reproduce the plan (to
print). This will allow you to get started more quickly, using the application.
Identify precise measurements
Before starting to draw a plan, it is important to identify and take all the precise measurements of the outline of a deck and the stairs that will have to be reproduced by drawing the perimeter of a plan.
Click on the left or right arrows to move from one image to another to learn what measurements are required to calculate your complete deck.
Measure without exception ALL the exterior sides of the deck at the level of the decking before starting to draw a plan.
Measure WITHOUT EXCEPTION the width of the staircase also the measurements going to the corners of the deck to the staircase. Deck corner up to the stairs (27"), width of the stairs (44") and stairs to the other corner (94").
Calculate without exception the number of steps. Measure the tread width (A) and the riser height (B).
Draw a plan easily (mouse)
The first basic notion is that of learning to draw a patio perimeter using a mouse and to perform a complete layout of
the plan by connecting the last point to the first point, as illustrated in the following slide show.
Click on the top left or right arrows to move from one image to another, to learn how to draw a
plan easily.
Here is a consumer plan to be estimated by a professional.
Here is a consumer plan to be estimated by a professional.
We invite you to print it and then trace it.
Here is a consumer plan to be estimated by a professional.
We invite you to print it and then trace it.
It is important to understand that the drawing
area is 50 'x 50' and the plan is approximately 30 'x 14'.
Here is a consumer plan to be estimated by a professional.
We invite you to print it and then trace it.
It is important to understand that the drawing
area is 50 'x 50' and the plan is approximately 30 'x 14'.
To draw this plan, it is important to start the line at the top left.
Here is a consumer plan to be estimated by a professional.
We invite you to print it and then trace it.
It is important to understand that the drawing
area is 50 'x 50' and the plan is approximately 30 'x 14'.
To draw this plan, it is important to start the line at the top left.
And continue to the right by turning clockwise.
Click on the NEW tab to start drawing a new plan
Click on the Draw references/marks button before drawing a plan to indicate measurements that would serve as benchmarks such as the length of a house wall or the distance between the patio structure and the location of a swimming pool or any other garden accessory.
Click the "Draw the deck outlines" button to begin drawing your deck plan.
Show or hide the Grid according to your preference.
To start drawing a plan, move the mouse to the top left of the drawing area and click and slightly move the mouse to the right, down, left or up.
Understand that you can draw a line that can go in any direction you need to.
Click Draw vertical/horizontal lines.
Note that this function allows you to draw lines along a vertical (Y) or horizontal (X) axis in order to easily draw a deck plan with no angles.
Focus on drawing the precise measurement of the line. Move the mouse gently. See how easy it is to draw a straight and precise measurement.
To draw the first line of the deck, go up to the length of 105 inches horizontally (X). And click on the left mouse button to accept the measurement.
If you entered a wrong measurement then click on the BACK circular arrow to cancel the last line. Click multiple times to cancel multiple lines.
Click on the inches or feet tab. This allows you to draw the plan according to the indicated or desired measurements. It is possible to change the display at any time.
Draw the 2nd line of the deck vertically (Y). And go to the length of 42 inches by moving the mouse gently. Then click on the left mouse button to accept the measurement.
Draw the 3rd line of the deck horizontally (X). And go to the length of 152 inches by moving the mouse gently. Then click on the left mouse button to accept the measurement.
Draw the 4rd line of the deck with the 45 degrees angle. So go to the length of 144-4/16 inches by moving the mouse VERY gently. Then click on the left mouse button to accept the measurement.
Draw the 5rd line of the deck vertically (Y). And go to the length of 21 inches by moving the mouse gently. Then click on the left mouse button to accept the measurement.
If you want to complete the plan perfectly, then you should always check the measurements and directions of the penultimate (second last) line of your plan. The display in the box above the mouse should be the same as the one written on your original plan. Here see the 359 ’’ (29’-11 ’’)
When the measurement of 359 "is reached you should then observe the GREEN line. This then indicates that the last line is perfectly aligned on your starting point. Then click on the left mouse button to accept the measurement.
If the last line and / or the last angle is not perfect, then this indicates an error in the plan you just drew. If not, your original plan is wrong. Then check all previous measurements and correct (erase and redo) if necessary.
Close the plan by bringing the mouse over the starting point. Make sure the circle turns green which will indicate that the last line of the plot has met the starting point line. BEFORE you click the left button to accept everything, check that this line and angle are perfect. Otherwise it could indicate a measurement error in the plan or that the original plan contains an error. Check all the measurements from the previous lines and correct them if necessary. In this example, the final line is perfect, the angle is 90 degrees, and the length is 165 ". Click the left button to accept the measurement.
The layout of the plan is now completed. So you can no longer modify the plan. Focus (zoom) a part of the drawing area by using the mouse wheel upwards. Place the mouse in the left corner at the top of the plan. See the animation as illustrated on the next page.
Also move the plan by placing the mouse in the center of it. Click and hold the right mouse button and move the plan. See the animation as illustrated on the next page.
You can now go to the next step and insert stairs.
Create and place stairs
The second basic concept is to create a stairs around the perimeter of a deck plan, as shown in the following
Click on the top left or right arrows to move from one image to another, to learn how to create and place stairs.
Click on the Stairs button.
When you click on the Stairs button, you have two choices. The first is Existing Stairs and the second is Stairs to build.
Click on Existing Stairs
When you click on the Existing stairs button then you must enter the precise measurements of the actual existing stairs on your deck. These will be used to calculate the precise length at which your future railing will be cut. And that's down to the sixteenth of an inch of precision. 3 methods are available to you.
In methode 1, enter the number of steps. The width of the tread. As well as the height of the step, that is, from the top of one step to the top of the next step.
In method 1, the text boxes (X, Y, Z) of method 2 will not be active. Be careful, only one method can be used at a time. If you wish to change the method once you have started, then you must erase your previously entered data.
Once the existing measurements of one of the 3 methods are entered then click on the Make stairs button.
Observe carefully the plan displayed with the length (X), height (Y) and diagonal (Z) in addition to the angle of the stairs.
Now check if the staircase on your real deck and its actual measurements match the measurements of the calculated plan displayed. If it is, click on Done.
You are now back on the plan. So enter the width of the stairs as 44''(3’-8’ ’).
You can enter an OFFSET (space) between the outside of the stair post and the outside of the step. Here we will write 2’’. It would be the same OFFSET as for your deck outlines.
Now drag the mouse over the outline of the plan. The staircase (you need to place) will appear. Place the stairs on the left corner, so 0 ’’ and 61 ’’ from the right corner. Its width is 44 ’’.
Move the mouse and understand how to place the stairs and how the measurements appear and change on each side of the stairs.
Slide the stairs to the 45 degree angle side. Now center it. So about 50 ’’ on each side. Finally click on the left mouse button to accept its position.
Place the mouse on the stairs. A trash can will appear. Click on the trash can to remove the stairs. You cannot modify a staircase. You delete it and start it again because all your data will already be re-entered in the text boxes.
Click on the Return button to go back to the main menu.
The processes will be the same for methods 2 and 3. However, the following text box entries will be different.
In methode 2, in the X, Y, Z text boxes, you only have to enter 2 of the 3 measures. Then the application will display all the measurements on the plan.
Enter the following measurements:
X = 48-8 = stair width
Z = 60-5 = diagonal
So Y = 35-14 = height,
will be calculated automatically
In methode 3, enter the Diagonal (Z) and the Angle (XZ) and the App will display all measurements.
Enter the following measurements:
Z = 58 = diagonal
A = 30 = angle
So Y = 29 and X = 50-4/16
will be calculated automatically
Create and place the railings
The third basic notion is to create and place the railing on the outlines of a deck plan and its stairs, as illustrated
in the following slideshow.
Click on the top left or right arrows to move from one image to another, to learn how to create
and place the railings.
Click on the button Railings to select your railings.
The wizard simplifies the selection of products step by step.
The wizard displays the specific characteristics of a product
The wizard manages the cases of exception and exemption specific to each product
The wizard speeds up the estimation time
The wizard makes it possible to optimize the estimate according to the availability of the product in stock in the store that day
When you leave the wizard, you come back to the plan. Click on the Add railing everywhere button then you will dispose or remove all the railings from all sides at once.
By clicking on only one side at the time on the plan, this will allows you to place or remove only one railing at a time, as illustrated in the animation on the next page.
Click on the Add railing everywhere button then you will dispose or remove all the railings from all sides at once.
Click on the Railing button and see the list of all railings calculated by the systeme. See all precise lengths and all products displayed as R48 R60 R72.
Click again on the Railings button to hide the list. So you can have a bigger drawing area.
Click on the railing that is on the side of your house to delete it.
Click the OFFSET button to determine the precise measurement between the exterior of the post and the deck plan outlines.
Enter a OFFSET measurement (2’’) in the text box.
Click on the Set offset everywhere button to do all outlines at once.
The calculation process may take a few seconds before displaying the results
Note that the posts are now at 2 inches from the edge lines of the deck. Please note the blue line represents the outside of the posts.
Zoom in on the top left corner to better understand and see what a 2’’ OFFSET is.
Take a good look at the 2 inches distance between the exterior of the post and the deck outlines.
For this 45 degrees side railing, it is important to note that you could apply 2’’ or 2,84’’.
2’’ means you keep the same RAILING distance from the deck outline.
2.84’’ means you keep the same POST distance from the deck outline.
2.84 = 2 * 1,42 for 45 degrees.
REF: Understand angle offsets
Enter 0'' offset on the side of the wall of the house
Click on the Measurement display button and verify all measures on your plan.
Press Return button to go back to the railings menu.
Click on the Show railing names button to understand where each railing (from the list) goes on the plan.
Click on the Show post names button to understand where each railing (from the list) goes on the plan.
Click on the Printer icon to print only the plan. Place the plan and focus on it as you wish to print it.
Print different plan format with or without ID of posts, railings and offsets to help the installer to place everything on the right place on the real deck when the order is delivered.
Place the mouse over one of the multiple sides of the deck outline to see the railing highlight in the list.
See the highlight letter in the list. It allows you to verify calculations directly on your screen.
Presse return and go back to main menu. Press Report and Railing details Report
You will have all details of posts, railings and adaptors corresponding to the plan. Those will be your references on the real deck.
Presse return and go back to main menu. Press Report and print the Quote Report.
You will have all estimation information.
Draw a perimeter with the keyboard
This function allows you to draw a plan using the numeric keypad which is often adopted by intermediate users but can also be used by experienced beginners. Previously, print this plan and then practice drawing it with a keyboard by following the steps as illustrated in the slideshow below.
Click on the top left or right arrows to move from one image to another, to learn how to draw a plan with the keypad (numbers and arrows).
Here is a consumer plan to be estimated by a professional. We invite you to print it and then trace it.
It is important to understand that the drawing area is 50 'x 50' and the plan is approximately 30 'x 14'.
To draw this plan, it is important to start the line at the top left.
And continue to the right by turning clockwise.
To start drawing a perimeter using the numeric keypad. First bring the mouse to the top left of the drawing area. Then click and move your mouse slightly and slowly to the right.
PRESS the K and CTRL keys simultaneously to access the NUMERIC KEYPAD function. On your keyboard you will use the 4 arrows (left-right-up-down) to give the orientation. And you will use the numbers to enter the LENGTH in FEET-INCHES-SIXTEENTH.
First, click on the down arrow. Then enter the number 12 in the first box. So a line 12 feet down is drawn on the screen.
Instead of changing of boxe with the mouse, you can simply PRESS THE DASH (-) to enter the length in inches. So write the number 7 and the line will now be 12 feet and 7 inches (12'-7'').
PRESS THE DASH (-) to enter the length in sixteenth of inches. Write the number 9 and the line will now be 12 feet and 7 inches and 9/16 (12'-7-9/16'').
Press the right arrow. You then see the line on the plan that goes to the right.
Now erase the 9/16'' and the 7''. So the line length WILL RETURN to 12'
Finally CLEAR the 12' length and observe that your measurement is back to 0'. This summarizes the method for entering and modifying measurements on the numeric keypad.
You have printed the plan for the exercise. We are now going to simulate the file of a client who would have given you this project. First click the right arrow. NOTE that the plan is in inches (not feet). So the trick is to press DASH (-) to go directly to inches (if your cursor was on foot). Enter 105. A line of 105'' (8'-9'') is drawn.
Always press ENTER (RETURN) to accept your measurement and your direction from which the measurement will appear on the line. Click on the icon display in inches or in feet to choose the display that you prefered.
This image illustrates a mistake that users make frequently. The direction of the arrow is down. Enter the measure 42 without pressing dash (-) which gives 42' (504"). Notice the line is too long and coming out of the screen which cannot be accepted because it is an error.
Delete the 42.
IMPORTANT TO PRESS DASH (-) for INCHES BOX and enter 42 in the box.
Click the arrow on the right to determine the direction of the line to be drawn. Press dash (-) and enter 152.
Click the down arrow to determine the direction of the line. Press dash (-) and enter 144 in the box. Press dash ( - ) and enter 4 in the sixteenths box. The 144-4/16" line is drawn down.
This image illustrates an angle to be traced. Press and hold the Shift and arrow keys on the keyboard. Press the right or left arrow to draw an angle. The right arrow will rotate clockwise. The left arrow will turn counter clockwise. Press the left arrow.
The line rotates 15 degrees with each press of the key. As on the paper plan, draw the line at 45 degrees. Note that you can rotate 1 degree at a time by pressing Shift, Ctrl and Arrow. Press return (enter) to accept.
Press the dash ( - ) and enter 21. Click the down arrow.
Press the dash (-) and enter 359. Click the left arrow.
Click the mouse out of your plan to get out of the numeric pad function. In order to close a plan perfectly you must always check the measurement and direction of the plan's closing line which must correspond to that of the client's plan.
Close the plan by bringing the mouse over the starting point. Make sure that the circle turns green which will indicate that the last line of the path is well connected to the line of the starting point. BEFORE clicking to finalize everything, check that the line and the angle are perfect.
Otherwise it could indicate an error in the plan or that the client's plan contains an error. Check each measurement of the preceding lines and correct them if necessary. In this example, the final line is perfect, the angle is 90 degrees, and the length is 165". Click to accept.
The plan is closed and completed. Click the display in inches or feet icon to see the measurements as you want. Continue with inserting stairs and railings from the main menu.
Print the results for a client
Understanding how to compile and deliver a well-ordered file to a client which would serve him as a kind of installation guide and benchmark because the application allows printing several formats of plans, reports, a detailed list of materials and a quote, as shown in the following slideshow.
Click on the left or right arrows to move from one image to another and learn how to print the results of a client file.
Understand that the plan always prints as displayed on the screen. Reduce, enlarge or move it and print it with or without identifiers and measurements.
Reduced or enlarged plan. Compare this example A of a reduced plan (zoom out) positioned at the top left of the page .
And compare it to this example B of an enlarged plan (zoom in) positioned in the full page.
See sample A of the reduced PLAN printout which provides more space for handwritten notes, if needed.
See example B of the print of the enlarged PLAN which offers less space but is easier to read. If necessary, do not hesitate to give these two print formats to the customer.
Plan with measurements . When the plan is drawn, return to the main menu and display its measurements by clicking on the icon at the top . Click on the Printer icon to print the plant displayed on the screen .
Plan with railings. Click on the Railing tab of the main menu then hide its measurements . Click on the Printer icon to print the plan of the railings as displayed on the screen with or without measurements .
Plan with railings names. Click on the Ramps tab of the main menu then hide its measurements . Click on the Show ramp identifiers button . Click on the Printer icon to print the plan as displayed on the screen with the identifiers .
Plan with posts types. Click on the Railing tab of the main menu then hide its measurements . Click the Show posts names button . Click on the Printer icon to print the plan as displayed on the screen with the identifiers .
Plan with offset IDs. Click on the Railing tab from the main menu. Click the Offset tab. Hide the measurements . Then click on the Show offset id button . Click on the Printer icon to print the plan as displayed on the screen with the identifiers .
Stairs report. Click on the Reports tab of the main menu then Stairs.
A plan with all the measurements used to calculate the exact length of the stair railing is displayed in an overexposed window. Click the Print button.
Again, on the main menu, click on Railing detail report that allows you to associate each of the segments ( ID A,B,C…) on plan and to read the measurements to cut such as :
- A = 1 - R46 - 39"
- B = 3 - R59 - 48-6/16"
- C = 2 - R73 - 67-11/16"
And so on … for all the other segments.
Again, on the main menu, click on Railing Quote that is made up of the following elements:
QUANTITY of products included in the plan.
CODES linked to the plan IDs.
CODES from manufacturer.
DESCRIPTION of the product.
PRICE budget could be display.
PRINT button.
Interface overview
Understand the overview of the user interface as illustrated in the following slideshow.
Click on the left or right arrows to switch between images and understand the interface.
This is the interface you see when you open the app. The New tab allows you to start a new project while the Open tab allows you to open a previously saved project.
The list of saved projects is displayed in chronological order using the following information fields: ID
Click on the Draw deck outline tab to start drawing a plan. Click on the Draw landmarks tab to draw guide lines such as the measurement of a wall, the distance from the location of a swimming pool or any other important markers.
When the layout of a plan is completed, the Structure, Decking, Stairs, Railing and Options tabs are instantly displayed in the menu bar on the left. Click on each of the tabs and explore its features intuitively or after reading all the information in the training guide.
Click the Project tab to access New, Open, Save….projects.
Click the Reports tab to access details lists, draws, quotes and more that can be printed.
Place your mouse over a tab and carefully read the tooltip information.
Click the More tab to access the English, Contacts, Settings, Help, Sign Out features.
Click on railing button
Click the Show Railing names button on the left and click the Railing tab on the right to see the list of all rails segments as laid out on the plan.
Also press Show posts type button on the left.
Our online CAD distinguishes from others by its simple UI and its
ease of use to
estimate the components of structures, stairs and railings with a
precision down to one sixteenth of an inch.
This section will detail some of the interface components used
throughout the application.
Throughout this guide you will encounter the following icons :
Highlights important
concepts in the current section
Tips and tricks
Noteworthy information
On-screen Help
Search for a small
question mark () near
something you wonder about and hover your mouse over it to display a
helpful message about what it does or how it is used.
Essential Icons
For the
best drawing and plan interaction experience, we recommend understanding
the following icons. Most of these are always available on the left side
of the viewport (the area for drawing and interacting with the
Changes the precision
of the grid and drawing. Precision of 12", 6" and 1"
Forces your lines to either be vertical or
horizontal. If you have an angle to draw, disable it.
Toggles the
visibility of the background grid at the chosen precision. Do no
hesitate to remove it, it is only a visual assist.
the visibility of measurements around your deck outline.
Appears while
drawing. Allows to undo one point at a time. In the current version of
the software, you cannot edit the outline once it is traced. Therefore,
your initial tracing is critical.
VIDEO : Essential Icons
VIDEO : Construction
Here is a little help with how the construction lines work
in EstimCAD.
Move and Zoom the
The viewport is the big area for drawing and interacting
with the plan.
You can move and zoom around the viewport to draw
precise measurements or to inspect a plan.
Hold the right
mouse button and drag your mouse around the viewport to move
Scroll the mouse wheel while the cursor
is in the viewport to zoom in and out toward or from the position of the
Right mouse button
to move, mouse wheel to zoom
You will see
that the grid size changes depending on the zoom level. It is trying
fit an appropriate amount of precision in the screen. Zoom and de-zoom
to see the effect.
Move and Zoom the Viewport
Save, Load and Create Projects
Save your projects with the save button in the project menu or by
pressing CTRL+S
can open and save many versions of a projects. Name them with unique
descriptive names that will remind you of what they are.
can open projects using the “Open” button at the opening of the
application or in the project menu.
Similarly, create new projects
by clicking the "new" button or by pressing CTRL+SPACEBAR.
Lengths Inputs
Whenever you need to enter
lengths in the application there will be an input
specially designed for
that purpose.
For imperial inputs, press
the hyphen button on your numpad to go to the next input slot.
Display Settings
Once you are done tracing
your plan, you have access to the “Settings” menu in
the choices on the
left. In this menu you will find some display settings
allowing you to
customize how the plan and the application is displayed.
you can change the size of the measurements on the plan, allowing you
print big plans with big measurements and to zoom-in on small details
still understand what the measurements are.
Options relating to
construction lines are also in this menu.
Here you can find a list of features
and tips to illustrate how to use the application and how to handle some
special cases.
Trace a Plan
Tracing a plan is core to the
use of EstimCAD. Once an outline is closed, a plan is created and
calculated instantly.
Start by creating a new project in drawing
mode. Refer to the Save, load and
create projects section to learn how to start a new project. The
drawing mode is then activated automatically.
Once in drawing
mode, click on the plan to place a point. Move your mouse around the
viewport to see the line your are currently drawing.
Place your
first point leaving enough space to trace in the desired direction. Here
we decided to place the first point on the left side of the plan so
there would be enough space on the right side to draw the deck.
the the following image, the green point is the start point. We traced a
first 9’ (nine feet) horizontal line followed by a 3’-8“ vertical one.
The third line at 9’-4” is currently being traced.
The rounded rectangle displays information
relating to the segment you are
currently drawing.
The X Axis is horizontal and the Y axis is
How the length is
The following image illustrates the
mathematical formulas used to calculate the lengths displayed. No need
to understand them, but it may help some to understand what the numbers
actually are.
X : Horizontal
distance between current and last point. Y :
Vertical distance between current and last point.
The angle that is displayed is always related to the
horizontal axis (X) shown
in red in image below.
The CW and CCW
angles are the Clockwise and Counter-
angles between the active
line and the previous one. The sum of these 2 angles
is always 360
To finish the
outline simply close the polygon by tracing to its starting point
In the next image we can see the vertical guide turning
green meaning we are
aligned with our starting point.
This polygon
only needs to be closed on the green start point to be calculated
automatically and instantly.
VIDEO : Trace a Plan
Trace a Plan with
1/16" Precision
We recommend that you activate the following
2 functions if you want to trace with 1/16” precision easily.
Drawing precision: Set to the smallest possible measurement
Forces lines to either be vertical or horizontal.
Let’s say you want to trace 10’ - 9 – 5/16"
therefore trace until 10’-9" ...
... then press
CTRL and hold it. This should display the precision
(image below). Move your pointer up and down to choose the desired
length to add
to the segment. Click to accept. You can
then release CTRL.
CTRL to display the precise measurement
Holding the CTRL button enables
you to release it if your original measurement
is not right or moved. In
the event you would have preferred to
trace a 10’-8-5/16” measurement
instead, you can just releaseCTRL, move the
pointer and press it again.
VIDEO : Trace a Plan with 1/16" Precision
Close a 1/16" Precision Plan Easily
To avoid mentally calculating what
is left from the X/16” measurements
(image below)...
… hover the start point with your pointer and it
will be calculated
Then just add this measurement
(12/16”) to the line you want to trace.
(12/16” = ¾”)
VIDEO : Close a 1/16" Precision Plan
Create Stairs
First you need to do this TRAINING on
Create and place stairs
Then, continue with all the different explanations below.
Click on the
“Stairs” menu and you will find a button labeled “Add
The stairs configuration utility will appear. It allows
you to enter a few combinations of measurements depending of what you
have access to.
Options :
Number of steps + tread width
(A) + riser height (B)
Top angle of the stairs (XZ) + 1 out of 3
of the stairs measurements (X or Y or Z)
2 out of 3 of the
stairs measurements (X and/or Y and/or Z)
Letters meaning
A : Step tread width
B : Step riser
X : Stairs length
Y : Stairs
Z : Stairs diagonal
how many steps and their step height and width and the software will
compute the missing XYZ and angles information. (image below).
Then, back in EstimCAD's main interface, enter the
width of the stairs. Example: 36".
Finally, move your mouse over the plan and place the stairs
by clicking.
At 3’-6" of the left corner and 1’-7-
10/16" of the right corner,
a 3’ (36") stair set.
You could also have entered 2 of the 3 in X, Y, Z inputs and the
software would
have calculated the same.
In the image below, we
have entered:
Horizontal stair width X: 48.5’’
Diagonal Z: 60.33’’
You could also have entered the
angle of the stairs and one of the following
measurements : Height,
length, diagonal.
measurements are relative to the stairs, not the whole deck. Therefore
"height" is not the deck height from the ground but only the
stairs height.
You can still see all the displayed information:
Angles, A, B, X, Y and Z.
results will always be highlighted in red when out of standards.
VIDEO : Create Stairs
Stairs Examples
Here are
some examples of stairs you can create and insert with the CAD.
Decks on 2 different
Imitates corner stairs to calculate railings
Deck receiving another deck
above it
Against a wall so no railings
Place Stairs with 1/16" Precision
Just like you
can draw the deck outline with 1/16" precision, you can place
stairs with the same precision. Just press and hold CTRL at
the nearest measurement and move your pointer up and down the precision
picker, then click to place.
CTRL to place stairs precisely
Let’s say
you want to place your stairs at 8’-3-9/16’’. Bring your stairs to 8’-
3’’ …
CTRL to display the precision selector.
Move your mouse along
the selector vertically and click to accept the
measurement. You can then
release CTRL.
CTRL allows you to release it in case you your initial
was incorrect. In this case, if after pressing
CTRL we think we need to
place it at 8’-1” instead, you can
then release CTRL and move your stairs
Add Railings
First you need to do this TRAINING on
Create and place the railings
Then, continue with all the different explanations below.
This function allows you to create and place the railing on the
outlines of a deck plan and its stairs, as illustrated in the following
The railings insertion and calculation functionalities make it
possible to estimate the exact length of the rails to the nearest 1/16
”and to offer quantity results that are optimized and in addition at the
best price.
You can always choose according to the available inventory. The
latest "Railing Availability" feature allows the user to make product
choices based on the inventory held in the store on the day of
Here is an example, if there is no more R59 (59 inch length) railing
model in inventory, the user will not select R59 and the application
will calculate the quote automatically at the best price, with only the
models from R46 and R73 railings, as shown below.
Railings Optimized calculations
The following example illustrates the calculations that are optimized
with R46, R59 and R73 railings models.
For side A = 8 ", B = 10", C = 12 "and F = 6"
So the best A side result of 8’ (96'') will be 2 x R46,
the best result on side B of 10 '(120' ') will be 2 x R59,
And so on …
Understand the railings measurements
Here is an example explaining rail calculations with the following
entered data:
Side length of the deck 10 ’- 3-11 / 16’ ’
Applying a 2-inch Post Offset
Selecting a 3x3 inch post
Selecting an R48 (48 '') rail
As shown above, the result will be 3 R48 interior post segments
2 ’- 11 - 15/16" or 35 - 15/16 "
Understand the parameters of the railings
In context. In the 8'-0 '' x 12'-0 '' plan below
. the posts are 3''x 3 "
. the selected rail is R46
. the offset applied everywhere is 2’’
What is the distance between the posts?
This is the maximum interior length between the posts and not the
center-to-center distance between the posts, in the image below, linked
to the plan above
. the DP-A is 41-8 / 16 ’’
. the DP-D is 42-11 / 16 ’’
What is post offset?
This is the desired distance between the exterior deck and the
exterior post (not from the molding at the base of the post)
In this example, the offset would be 2".
What is the post dimension?
This is the outside dimension of the post and not the dimension of
the molding at the base of the post.
In this example, the dimension of the posts is 3 '' x 3 ''.
Understand the types of railings
Railing with spindles
Here is an example of an estimated plan with spindles.
See the B side rail segments in the plan as shown above.
The app calculated 3 pre-assembled 72 "(R72) rails
to be cut at 48-6/16".
Railing with glass in variable sizes
Here is an example of an estimated plan with glasses of varying
See the railing segments on side B in the plan as shown above.
The app calculated 3 pre-assembled 72 "(R72) rails to be cut at 48-
6/16". The 3 glasses required inside each ramp will be 45 "(V45). So 3
R72 railings and 3xV45 glasses will be offered.
The calculations for these glasses display a slight spacing on each
side of the posts. So measuring 48-6/16 "between the posts with a 45"
glass will leave a space of 1.68"= 1-11/16" on each side. It is
important to note that the glass railing models may be different from
the spindle railing and the preassembled lengths available in store may
not be the same.
Example, the inventory of spindle railings could be R48, R60 and R72.
Unlike the glass railings of R48 and R72 only. So, it could be possible
that the posts on your plan are not placed the same if they are for
glass or spindles.
See the rail segments on side B of the plan. Note that the glass R60 are
not available (unlike the spindle rails) so the application calculated
Sometimes it is also possible that the glasses are not available for
the stair rails. You will then have to choose to install railings with
bars or to make a special order from the manufacturer. On the plan
above, railings F and G are not available in glass.
8 '' Glass Railing
Here is an example of an estimated plan with 8'' size Glass
The app calculated 3 pre-assembled 72 "(R72) rails to be cut at 48-
6/16". The glasses required inside each rail will be 4 x 8. So 3xR72
rails and 3x4-V8 glasses will be offered.
The calculations of these glasses allow a slight spacing on each side
of the posts. So measuring 48-6/16 " between the posts with 4 glasses of
8" will leave 5 spaces of 3.275 "= 3-4/16" between each glasses and
It is important to note that glass railings may be different from
spindle railings and the pre-assembled lengths available in store may
not be the same.
The inventory of spindle railings could be R48, R60 and R72 but that
of glass rails of R48 and R72 only. It might be possible that the posts
on your plan are not placed the same if they are for glass or spindles.
See the railing segments on side B of the plan. Note that the R60 in
glass are not available (unlike the spindle railing) so the application
has calculated R72.
Sometimes it is also possible that the glasses are not available for
the stair railings. You will then have to choose to install spindle
railings or to make a special order from the manufacturer. On the plan
above, ramps F and G are not available in glass.
Understand the types of posts
If posts have fasteners that are attached in a factory, post
identifiers (IDs) are required and should be shown on the plan.
If posts do not have factory-attached fasteners, post identifiers
(IDs) are optional and may not be shown on the plan.
Above, plan with post identifiers ID
Below, post identifiers ID
Understand Angular Adapters (AA)
AA definition
The angular adapter (AA) is an accessory part which is fixed on a
post to receive a railing. This makes the joint between the railing and
the post when there is a 45 degree angle.
The application automatically adds the angular adapters (AA) which
are illustrated by a green circle around a post on the plan. And they
are identified by the letters AA in the product list.
Angular adapters (AA)
AA geometry
Understanding the geometry of angular adapters (AA)
The orientation of a post is determined according to the direction of
one of the two lines adjacent to this post for which a single AA is
Note that in the plan below, each junction of red lines with a green
circle requires an AA and those without a circle do not. This plan
therefore requires a total of 10 angle adapters (AA).
We have considered the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) axes as being
the 2 main axes that the posts must follow. If none of the lines
adjacent to this post follow these axes then the post takes the
direction of the line drawn previously.
Below, the direction of the post follows the angle of the previous
line. This is because there is no right angle (90 °) and no line along
the horizontal or vertical axis. Only one AA is required.
Below the post is forced to be horizontal because one of its two
adjacent segments is on the horizontal axis. Only one angle adapter is
Below, the direction of the post follows the angle of the previous
line. The angle between the two red lines is a right angle (90 °), so
even if neither of the two segments is on one of the main axes, no angle
adapter is required.
Circular or attached shapes AA
Two types of angle adapters (AA) are normally available from
Understand angle offsets
The plan below shows railings attached to posts where there are two
45 degree angle adapters (AA) represented by a green circle.
When the user wants to estimate a project where his plan has angles,
he will have to choose one or the other of the following two calculation
Calculation method # 1 : Symmetrical offset of the railings
The images below illustrate the symmetrical offset of the railings.
Note that the measurement assigned is 2" in this example. And this,
everywhere on the plan.
Note that the post offset measurement with angular adapters (AA) such
as the one circled in green above will be less than 2 inches on the 45
degree angle side.
Calculation method # 2 : Symmetrical offset of the 2 posts with
The image below to the right shows the symmetrical offset of the
posts with angular adapters (AA) whose assigned measurement is 2" in
this example.
Note that the railing offset measurement, which angle is 45 degrees,
will be greater than 2 inches.
Step 1: 2 '' offset everywhere
Step 2: offset 2 - 13/16 " to the side at a 45 degree angle
To obtain this result,
multiply the normal offset measurement of 2" by 1.42
to give 2.84" or 2-13/16 "as shown in the image above on the
In other words, 1.42 is a constant with which the user always
multiplies his offset (which is applied everywhere) except on the angle.
So if the offset would be 3" everywhere,
then the user will put (3 x 1.42 =) 4.26’’ on the angle.
Different Offsets on the
Same Wall
To apply more than one offset to a wall you will need
to make a notch in the
wall side while drawing the deck. This notch will
enable you to just set different
offsets on the parts on each side of
Railings (side-by-side)
The application has been built to respect
the mathematical representation of a deck.
exception cases, Mathematics can sometimes yield an undesired result and
therefore you will need to manually adjust the results for those
In the example below, the posts in the upper right, circled
in red, seem
problematic, but this plan respects math logic.
will need to either change your desired railings offset or adjust it
manually after the calculations.
That means you will need
to give contractors different lengths than what is calculated by the
It works the same way for the
following impossible cases. You need to make
adjustments after our
calculations or change the settings of the deck. The
software does now
manage these issues.
Posts and Angles
The image below illustrates that the posts at the end of right
segments where there is an angle stay straight with the other
posts in-line.
Therefore, only the interior posts of the angled
segments will follow its angle.
adjustments of the angle cuts of the railings will be done on site at
You will need to calculate this
specific railing length because the software does not take it into
Special Case : Angle and wall
In the case where we apply a 0" offset to align the
posts with a wall, if the adjacent
segment to the wall is an angle, the
corner post will turn when we remove the
railing on the wall side, but in
this special case we probably want it to stay
perpendicular to the
To calculate the railings adjacent to
the wall correctly, do not remove the railings
on the wall and remove it
from the calculations manually. This will prevent the
corner post from
Setup the Structure
You can change
the orientation of your beams and joists. The system computes an
optimized solution to obtain the least amount of piles, beams and
possible to have the best price while still respecting the
building codes.
You can also move the beams yourself to create
your own solution or to avoid
an obstacle.
Click on « Move
the beams ». Then, click and hold on the plan
and drag to watch your structure recalculate.
Building Sides
You can identify sides of
your deck as supported by a house or any other structure.
To to
so, click on « Identify » in the Building Sides section
of the Structure menu.
While « Identify » is active,
click the sides to designate them as externally supported.
When you are
satisfied with your choices, click on « Identify » again.
Optimize the Structure
application automatically offers optimized solutions. This means it
calculates all possible solutions while respecting construction norms
outputs the best of them all to minimize costs and loss. Let’s take a
look at
these three configurations for the same simple project :
optimal solution for this project is image C with a total cost of
The image A has a total cost of 1351.98$ and has too many beams
and image B has
a total cost of 1334.51$ and introduces too much material
loss in the joists.
It is easy to think about this reasoning being
simple on a simple project like
the one above, but the complexity rises
exponentially when you apply it on a
project like the images below.
Now we need to ask ourselves about the desired
structure. An optimal solution
might be more complex than a simpler
structure with more loss. A client with a
contractor can present him
multiple solutions to then get enlightened on the
proper decision. You
can also move the joists manually to create your own
It is possible to calculate the railings
in a deck project that has columns and/or gates, but you have to ask us
the key that allows you to use this function for expert only at . However it requires a little bit more preparation
because the positioning and dimensions of the columns and gates must be
known before the drawing starts.
Doing this
invalidates the deck structure calculations
We will start by
explaining the concept with construction lines, but we do not recommend
using this technique as it is quite slow and does not offer 1/16"
Let's visualize a deck that is 133" by 92"
and has an existing column.
The column is 9" by 12" with
offsets of 2" and 3" on the side and bottom respectively.
From that, we can draw an outline
excluding a notch for the column, allowing the application to calculate
the railings as desired.
As you can
see, we added the dimensions of the column to its offset and made a
notch in the outline. That is why you need to know the columns
dimensions and positioning before drawing.
With some practice,
this technique becomes intuitive, no longer requiring construction
lines, increasing speed and precision greatly.
In the next image
we illustrate hiding the posts within the column by applying negative
offsets to the columns sides.
Hiding the posts this way allows you to calculate the
proper railing lengths to get railings up to the column. Since we had
3" posts, we are simply applying a negative 3" (-3")
VIDEO : Calculate Railings with Columns and Gates
The following video is currently only available in
french. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Center Railings
on a Column
If you'd like to center the railings on the column
you'll need to figure out the proper offset to apply. To calculate that,
we made a simple formula :
Applied to our example :
If we want to stick a post to the column we can
put a 0" offset to the columns sides or we can apply a negative
offset equivalent to the post size to calculate the proper interior post
railing size.
If you hide the posts using this
technique you will need to manually remove them from the materials list
the application will give you. The application does not adjust
quantities automatically in this scenario.
Multiple Columns
The concept stays the same
with multiples columns or even mixing in columns and gates.
In this
example we have not centered the railings on the columns and we assume
that all columns have a uniform offset of 2".
Let's not look
at vertical (Y) measurements, we can assume they are all 15" deep
and have a 2" offset, giving a (15" + 2") = 17"
So now let's take a look at the horizontal (X)
From left to right:
Left corner, a corner
column 13" wide, with a 2" offset. (13" + 2") =
15" notch.
A 110" segment to the next column.
A 13" wide column without horizontal offset. A simple 13"
A 85" segment to the next column.
16" wide column without horizontal offset. A
simple 16" notch.
A 89" segment to the gate.
gate. The gate is explained in the next section with 2 different
Gates Techniques
Depending on the gate product available, you may want to calculate
the gate with interior or exterior measurements.
In the following
image, the 52" gate hole is considered exterior
gate posts :
To achieve this :
In the image below the 52" gate hole is considered
interior gate posts :
To achieve this :
Column and Gates
techniques to deal with columns are all just tips and tricks and are not
officially supported by the application yet. This means there are some
restrictions to follow in order to stay accurate and have a good
The columns and gates placement MUST abide the following
placement rules. The application simply cannot calculate columns in the
red positions with the aforementioned techniques.
Corner Stairs
To imitate corner stairs you just need to place 2
separate stairs on the corner.
Afterward, trace along the lines like the
image below :
This will allow you to calculate the
length of the 2"x6" required for the steps,
therefore you'll
need to add them manually to the quote.
This method does not
calculate the structure under the steps in the corner. You
need to think
about adding structural elements to the quote manually
to make the
structure in the corner and respect building code.
Plan and Estimate Two Partial Decks
You will need to make two plans separately. Make plan 1 and save it.
Then to make plan 2,
you must place the arriving stair set from
plan 1 precisely where it was with the same settings.
If we overlay these plans on top of each other
they will match perfectly like
the plan below, because the measurements
of the stair set between decks are
identical on both plans. The placement
is also very imortant, so be precise in
both plans.
This image is the result of using graphic software to
overlay both plans on top of each other.
VIDEO : Plan and Estimate Two Partial
The following video is currently only
available in french. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Close a Plan That Doesn't
will still need to close your outline even if your real project does
work that way. You only need to add segments preferably at right
angles to close
the outline and then not add any railings to it. If there
needs to be an opening,
you might have to think about your planning a
little bit more.
The user of the EstimCAD ™ Deck and Railings application can be either a
consumer, a hardware store / materials dealer, a general or specialized
contractor or a manufacturer of aluminum or glass railings, it is
imperative to understand the concepts that are described in this guide
and to do exercises to make sure you have an experience that results
will be simple, easy and quick to achieve while minimizing the risk of
error.For any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact
the EstimCAD ™ Application for Patio and Ramps Customer Support team
at: .